Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov – Pierre Monteux – French music – Charles Münch

Rimsky-Korsakov - String Sextet - Quintet for piano & winds - Sheherazade - Kocian Quartet - Prague Wind Quartet - Ivan Klánský - Josef Klusoň - Michal Kaňka - London symphony orchestra - Pierre Monteux
If you got the previous Rimsky-Korsakov chamber music release by Praga Digitals, too bad: it is now reissued with the classic account of Scheherazade by Monteux in 1957… The Quintet is a very short and nice piece, but the Sextet is a little marvel,
Mendelssohn style. The Scheherazade is a poised account. I personally tends to prefer more personal approaches (Stokowski, Svetlanov… and think the Kondrashin lecture is overrated by French critics), but maybe this is one of the finest ever, a lesson for any conductor, every tone thrills you in this rather good stereo rendering. (Monteux will record it again with the San Francisco symphony).
Two superb reissues.
Berlioz - Scherzo de la Reine Mab Franck - Le chasseur maudit Saint-Saëns - La princesse jaune - Le rouet d'Omphale Debussy - Fêtes Fauré - Pénélope - Prélude Ravel - La valse Roussel - Suite en fa
A “florilege”of French hits by Münch and the Boston symphony. One of the rare internationally acclaimed French conductors with Monteux and Boulez. The Saint-Saëns’s Princess, Fauré and Roussel pieces are live recordings. Superb sound all along (recordings 1951 – 1961).
The Scherzo de la Reine Mab is stunning, Münch was certainly the best Berlioz interpreter(sorry Brits). A good account
of Le chasseur maudit (The Accursed Hunter). Beautiful Saint-Saëns pieces. Vivid account of Fêtes. A rarer Pénélope prelude, rather wagnerian, superbe horn playing. La Valse has an inimitable chic.
Finally the classic suite en fa by Roussel “Motor-driven”…
A propos de l’enregistrement du quintette pour piano et instruments à vents de Rimsky auquel vous faites références, le nouveau disque Praga (avec la Schéhérazade par Monteux) ne contient que le 2e mouvement (Andante-Fughetta), alors que l’ancienne édition (musique de chambre de Rimsky) présente l’intégrale du quintette (soient trois mouvements : 1. Allegro con brio 2.Andante-Fughetta 3. Rondo: Allegretto – Vivace ).
J’aurais dû le préciser, merci !