Fra Angelico (1400-1455) 

Cimabue 1240 1302
Duccio di Buoninsegna 1260 1318
Giotto 1266 1337
Pietro Lorenzetti 1280 1348
Simone Martini 1284 1344
Lorenzo Monaco 1370 1424
Donatello 1386 1466
Paolo Uccello 1397 1475
Fra Angelico 1400 1455
Domenico Veneziano 1400 1461
Masaccio 1401 1428
Fra Filippo Lippi 1406 1469
Piero della Francesca 1416 1492
Andrea Mantegna 1431 1506
Sandro Botticelli 1445 1510
Le Perugin 1448 1523
Domenico Ghirlandaio 1449 1494
Léonard de Vinci 1452 1519


Fra Angelico - Annonciation


Guido di Pietro rentre chez les dominicains au couvent de Fiesole, situé sur les hauteurs de Florence, en 1408. Il a alors 21 ans. Selon l'usage de l'ordre, il change de patronyme pour un nom religieux : Fra Giovanni. Ses contemporains, en raison de la haute spiritualité de sa peinture ainsi que de la profusion d'anges dont il aime parer ses œuvres, le surnommeront Fra Angelico.


Fra Angelico was a Dominican friar in the monastery at Fiesole. The convent of San Marco was taken over by his Order in 1436, and he was commissioned to decorate the friar's cells with frescoes painted directly on to wet plaster walls. These were intended to stimulate prayer and meditation rather than to be a factual record of the Biblical story. He wanted to represent the sacredness of Christ in all its glory and simplicity; although he understood the principles of perspective, as seen here in the rendition of the tomb door, these were often sacrificed for a simple style.

Fra Angelico - Annonciation